在许多学科中,异质治疗效果(HTE)的估计至关重要,从个性化医学到经济学等等。在随机试验和观察性研究中,随机森林已被证明是一种灵活而有力的HTE估计方法。尤其是Athey,Tibshirani和Wager(2019)引入的“因果森林”,以及包装GRF中的R实施。 Seibold,Zeileis和Hothorn(2018)引入了一种称为“基于模型的森林”的相关方法,该方法旨在随机试验,并同时捕获预后和预测变量的效果,并在R包装模型中进行模块化实现。 。在这里,我们提出了一种统一的观点,它超出了理论动机,并研究了哪些计算元素使因果森林如此成功,以及如何将它们与基于模型的森林的优势融合在一起。为此,我们表明,可以通过相同的参数和L2损耗下加性模型的模型假设来理解这两种方法。这种理论上的见解使我们能够实施“基于模型的因果林”的几种口味,并在计算机中剖析其不同元素。将原始的因果森林和基于模型的森林与基准研究中的新混合版本进行了比较,该研究探讨了随机试验和观察环境。在随机设置中,两种方法都执行了AKIN。如果在数据生成过程中存在混淆,我们发现与相应倾向的治疗指标的局部核心是良好性能的主要驱动力。结果的局部核心不太重要,并且可以通过相对于预后和预测效应的同时拆分选择来代替或增强。
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In a typical car-following scenario, target vehicle speed fluctuations act as an external disturbance to the host vehicle and in turn affect its energy consumption. To control a host vehicle in an energy-efficient manner using model predictive control (MPC), and moreover, enhance the performance of an ecological adaptive cruise control (EACC) strategy, forecasting the future velocities of a target vehicle is essential. For this purpose, a deep recurrent neural network-based vehicle speed prediction using long-short term memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent units (GRU) is studied in this work. Besides these, the physics-based constant velocity (CV) and constant acceleration (CA) models are discussed. The sequential time series data for training (e.g. speed trajectories of the target and its preceding vehicles obtained through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, road speed limits, traffic light current and future phases collected using vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication) is gathered from both urban and highway networks created in the microscopic traffic simulator SUMO. The proposed speed prediction models are evaluated for long-term predictions (up to 10 s) of target vehicle future velocities. Moreover, the results revealed that the LSTM-based speed predictor outperformed other models in terms of achieving better prediction accuracy on unseen test datasets, and thereby showcasing better generalization ability. Furthermore, the performance of EACC-equipped host car on the predicted velocities is evaluated, and its energy-saving benefits for different prediction horizons are presented.
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This paper presents an accurate, highly efficient, and learning-free method for large-scale odometry estimation using spinning radar, empirically found to generalize well across very diverse environments -- outdoors, from urban to woodland, and indoors in warehouses and mines - without changing parameters. Our method integrates motion compensation within a sweep with one-to-many scan registration that minimizes distances between nearby oriented surface points and mitigates outliers with a robust loss function. Extending our previous approach CFEAR, we present an in-depth investigation on a wider range of data sets, quantifying the importance of filtering, resolution, registration cost and loss functions, keyframe history, and motion compensation. We present a new solving strategy and configuration that overcomes previous issues with sparsity and bias, and improves our state-of-the-art by 38%, thus, surprisingly, outperforming radar SLAM and approaching lidar SLAM. The most accurate configuration achieves 1.09% error at 5Hz on the Oxford benchmark, and the fastest achieves 1.79% error at 160Hz.
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在这项工作中,我们提出了一种神经方法,用于重建描述层次相互作用的生根树图,使用新颖的表示,我们将其称为最低的共同祖先世代(LCAG)矩阵。这种紧凑的配方等效于邻接矩阵,但是如果直接使用邻接矩阵,则可以单独从叶子中学习树的结构,而无需先前的假设。因此,采用LCAG启用了第一个端到端的可训练解决方案,该解决方案仅使用末端树叶直接学习不同树大小的层次结构。在高能量粒子物理学的情况下,粒子衰减形成了分层树结构,只能通过实验观察到最终产物,并且可能的树的大型组合空间使分析溶液变得很棘手。我们证明了LCAG用作使用变压器编码器和神经关系编码器编码器图神经网络的模拟粒子物理衰减结构的任务。采用这种方法,我们能够正确预测LCAG纯粹是从叶子特征中的LCAG,最大树深度为$ 8 $ in $ 92.5 \%\%的树木箱子,最高$ 6 $叶子(包括)和$ 59.7 \%\%\%\%的树木$在我们的模拟数据集中$ 10 $。
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机器人越来越多地部署在与人类共享的空间中,包括家庭环境和工业环境。在这些环境中,人与机器人之间的相互作用(HRI)对于安全性,可读性和效率至关重要。 HRI的一个关键因素是信任,它调节了系统的接受。已显示拟人化可以调节机器人的信任发展,但工业环境中的机器人通常不是拟人化的。我们在工业环境中设计了一个简单的互动,在该环境中,拟人化模拟驱动器(ARMOD)机器人模拟了自动驾驶汽车(AGV)。该任务由与AGV的人类交叉路径组成,有或不带有狭窄的走廊上安装在顶部。人类和系统在越过路径时需要协商轨迹,这意味着人必须关注机器人的轨迹,以避免与它发生碰撞。在存在ARMOD的情况下,报告的信任评分有显着的增长,表明拟人化机器人的存在足以调节信任,即使在有限的相互作用中,就像我们在这里提出的相互作用一样。
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手动检查粪便涂片样品以鉴定寄生卵的存在非常耗时,只能由专家进行。因此,需要自动化系统来解决此问题,因为它可以与严重的肠道寄生虫感染有关。本文回顾了微观图像中关于寄生卵检测和分类的ICIP 2022挑战。我们描述了此应用程序的新数据集,该数据集是同类数据集的最大数据集。参与者在挑战中使用的方法及其结果及其结果进行了汇总和讨论。
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近年来,人类运动轨迹预测是许多领域自治系统的重要任务。通过不同社区提出的多种新方法,缺乏标准化的基准和客观比较越来越成为评估进度并指导进一步研究的主要局限性。现有基准的范围和灵活性有限,无法进行相关实验,并说明了代理和环境的上下文提示。在本文中,我们提出了地图集,这是一个系统地评估人类运动轨迹预测算法的基准。 Atlas提供数据预处理功能,超参数优化,具有流行的数据集,并具有灵活性,可以进行设置和进行不充分的相关实验,以分析方法的准确性和鲁棒性。在ATLAS的示例应用中,我们比较了五个流行的模型和基于学习的预测指标,并发现,如果适当应用,基于物理的早期方法仍然具有竞争力。这样的结果证实了像Atlas这样的基准的必要性。
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Digital Humanities and Computational Literary Studies apply text mining methods to investigate literature. Such automated approaches enable quantitative studies on large corpora which would not be feasible by manual inspection alone. However, due to copyright restrictions, the availability of relevant digitized literary works is limited. Derived Text Formats (DTFs) have been proposed as a solution. Here, textual materials are transformed in such a way that copyright-critical features are removed, but that the use of certain analytical methods remains possible. Contextualized word embeddings produced by transformer-encoders (like BERT) are promising candidates for DTFs because they allow for state-of-the-art performance on various analytical tasks and, at first sight, do not disclose the original text. However, in this paper we demonstrate that under certain conditions the reconstruction of the original copyrighted text becomes feasible and its publication in the form of contextualized token representations is not safe. Our attempts to invert BERT suggest, that publishing the encoder as a black box together with the contextualized embeddings is critical, since it allows to generate data to train a decoder with a reconstruction accuracy sufficient to violate copyright laws.
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